
We all need moments of reflection in our lives, brief interludes that help us to reflect on our lives.

How can we more closely align our lives and our acts with the Five Keystones?

These moments of respite remind us of our faith, review what we have accomplished and refocus our efforts into the future.

Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

38 - Pen vs Chisel

As another Mass approaches, I want to share something that struck a chord with me recently. I came across a quote that really resonated: …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

37 - Between Two Bodies

What a wonderful end to October – this month, just passed, really kicks off the holiday season well, and even has a marvelous secular tradition…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

36 - Step Out

Last month we talked about standing up for yourself and the importance of knowing how to do that. This month, we’ll continue the ….

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

35 - Stand Up

With September upon us and school starting back up for kids and families, we think to an important lesson that we should all be reminded of. Let's start by …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

34 - Still No. 1

Last month we checked in with a Midway update and some suggestions on how we can celebrate the occasion. We also touched on our lodestar, the First…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

33 - Already?

Hard to believe we've reached July already, this year has gone by in what feels like a flash. But warm temperatures are here to keep us company, and the Midway…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

32 - Boost

Quick reminder to everyone - the Midway is fast approaching! Just a few weeks until it is time to celebrate and get …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

31 - Be Better

We are continuing to hammer home the importance of the Fifth Keystone, and help YOU to Seek and follow your …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

30 - How To

Life is a tricky thing. While navigating through the maze of work, friendships, family and the plethora of …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

29 - (Un) Certainty

In the light of the uncertainty we've all faced over the past few years, still not one of us thought we would ….

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

28 - On Certainty

The start of a new year, and the start of new things tend to bring a lot of uncertainty, and even…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

27 - New Year; New You?

A lot of people use the start of a new year to consider a change in their lives. Sometimes these …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

26 - Almost Mass

The December holidays are nearly upon us, and the excitement in the air is nearly palpable…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

25 - When a Mistake Makes a Man

There is an old saying, I believe not originating in the English tongue…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

24 - Big Flub

Thinking back on previous Interlude, and the importance of forgiveness and as taught by …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

23 - Little Flub

Hatred and anger are surely the most influential emotions that prevent certain people from …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

22 - Drought

An interesting poll has found that America is facing a crisis of faith. Rather, its churches and synagogues are …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

21 - Freedom Rings

Another July before us, with Canada celebrating their national holiday, and all our friends in …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

20 - Spring is Here

What a great gift we have all been given – minds with the ability to continuously learn! Not to mention that …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

19 - Freedom

As Paracletes, we’re often asked hard questions about how to live life and …

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