
We all need moments of reflection in our lives, brief interludes that help us to reflect on our lives.

How can we more closely align our lives and our acts with the Five Keystones?

These moments of respite remind us of our faith, review what we have accomplished and refocus our efforts into the future.

Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

18 - Brand New

The astute will notice that this post is a bit late - Given that anything disseminated on April 1…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

17 - Finding Purpose

Discovering your purpose in the Temple, and in life, does not have to be something difficult. It does not have to be a …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

16 - Diamonds

Adherence to the Five Keystones is meant to be a comfortable and natural state of affairs. For our members especially, this is …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

15 - A New Hope

As we reach the end of another wonderful Mass celebration, our focus shifts to the new year that lays before us. 2021 is …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

14 - Patience

With the effects of a pandemic still being felt around the world, we have all been pushed to our limit, and for the better part of a year …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

13 - Choice & Confrontation

With an election looming in our future, we are all put to the task of doing our civic duty and casting our ballot. With this, comes a …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

12 - Fall to Rebirth

When October comes around, many people think of fall, some of Halloween, and most of us see the end of the year is fast approaching…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

11 - Construction

We wanted to take this months Interlude as an opportunity to touch on the very foundational First Keystone: Strive to be efficient, competent, and autonomous

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

10 - Pillar

The first month after the Midway, and the world keeps on turning in strange and unrecognizable directions. The protests over police…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

09 - The Midway

As everyone around us is gearing up to celebrate their favorite July holidays, hearing the pop and flash of fireworks and the sizzle of…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

08 - Protest

Less than a week ago, a man was killed by police kneeling on his neck, and the whole thing was captured, leading to people around…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

07 - MayDay

Normally, Spring is a joyous season full of new life and rebirth. This year, everywhere around us it seems that the world has been cursed…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

06 - The Equity Principle

The Sixth (and hidden) Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to our goal of achieving a just and moral outcome…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

05 - The Fifth Keystone

The Fifth Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to the innate feelings we all hold about our place and goals in life…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

04 - The Fourth Keystone

The Fourth Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to the endless quest for education and self-betterment. Only by bettering…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

03 - The Third Keystone

The Third Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to the need to elevate ourselves by protecting and guarding one another…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

02 - The Second Keystone

The Second Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to the imperfection of all humans, and reminds us to not…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

01 - The First Keystone

The First Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to the loftiest of human potential, our ceaseless quest to improve ourselves…

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