17 - Finding Purpose
Discovering your purpose in the Temple, and in life, does not have to be something difficult. It does not have to be a tormenting or difficult decision. It does not have to go on and on for months, years, or even decades. We think it does. Many of us struggle with finding purpose in life, and with Paraclism for years. Reading all the texts, commuting the Five Keystones to heart, studying all the Interludes, and crying out to the Paraclete asking, "WHY DID YOU PUT ME ON THIS EARTH!"
Are you in that place? Are you left wondering if you have a purpose and if you are destined for great things? Let's look closer at the Fifth Keystone - Seek and follow your calling in life.
Start simple, and ask yourself: What do you love doing? What excites you? What are you good at? What gives you passion? What can make you jump out of bed in the morning?
That is the first part of your purpose. That is the part that the Paraclete knit and formed while you were still in the womb. Even if you think "oh I'm not good at anything; I'm stuck, now what do I do?"
This is a classic trap - and cannot possibly be right. Everyone has something inside of them that life and the Paraclete will fill. That purpose will come forth, if you give it time. Think on it, write it down, brainstorm, journal it, mood board on it, and really focus on the question - what do you love, what are you good at.
The second half is just as easy! Consider how that thing you love can help others. Our society is plagued with selfishness. As a society, we are completely focused on "self" and on what the "self" wants. We have become a society of help me, look at me, do for me, praise me, give me, and honor me. Me, me, me! We have become a very selfish people. The key to finding your purpose, is fighting against this tide. Find what you love, and give it away. Your purpose is ultimately not about you, but about sharing your gifts with others, giving it to someone else, and fitting into yr community.
What good are your skills, your talents and your gifts - if you cannot share them with others? If the money and game come, that is great - but the focus should be on helping others, through the gift bestowed upon you by the Paraclete.
You have been given gifts and talents. The Paraclete has given you a calling and a purpose in this life. You are called to give what you have away so someone else can live. These two simple steps can help you to settle in your heart that your purpose is to bring people closer to Paraclism through your skills.