Frequently Asked Questions


How can I join and become a Member?

Please go to the Join Us page - it has all of the relevant information.

Are there local chapters of the Temple I can join?

We are based in New York, and while we have Members around the world, we are still a grassroots faith that does not seek a broad membership. Contact us, and let us know where you live (or where you would like to get involved) and we will strive to put you in touch with the right Paracletes for your community. If there are none in your community, consider becoming the first.

What do you believe in?

Our About Us page has an in depth look at our beliefs.

In short, we believe that our lives should be guided by the <Five Keystones>, borne from the Paraclete and its teachings in the scriptures. However, the supernatural is not a mandatory tenet of the faith - all who hold a sincere desire to better themselves and the world around them are well suited for membership and invited to join in the Temple.

What is Paraclism?

Paraclism provides a body of teachings and religious practices that help ground our daily lives in a common identity and provide a sense of meaning, community and outline the personal values we share.

Who is the Paraclete?

The Paraclete is the greater being which is often viewed as a “holy trinity” - a god, it’s physical incarnation, and the spirit embodying it. Other faiths tend to give a unique identity to each of these forms, when it is fairly obvious that this is one entity - The Paraclete - taking the form most efficient for a particular purpose.

Close study of any modern bible (such as the one used referenced by the Temple - the World Bible) coupled with critical thinking inexorably leads to this conclusion.

Please go to the Join Us page - it has all of the relevant information.

Does Paraclism involve any Rituals and Holidays?

Paraclism does not mandate participation in any of its rituals or holidays, but rather encourages members to participate in those that are meaningful and beneficial to them and those around them.

That said, you can read more about our Customs.

How can I Volunteer or Donate?

Contact us with details on how you can volunteer or what services you can provide and we will be in touch with you.

To Donate, please go to the Donation page.

Can I become one of the Temple Clergy?

We will be offering ordination to interested Members. This is a very solemn process, wherein Members who have chosen to take additional steps to become Paracletes must first evidence they are properly informed of the Five Keystones and then must successfully complete a course to ensure they properly embody those values and are appropriate ambassadors of the Temple.

Can we get married by the Temple?

A union is a most efficient way for two people to share their lives - we are happy to make arrangements for your marriage ceremony - please contact us directly.

Where do you stand on ecumenical matters?

We believe all houses of worship, not just those centered around Christianity, ought to develop closer relationships and work together - provided that they hold the betterment of humanity in their heart as we do.

Unity is a noble pursuit, and all communities would benefit from a cooperative approach from their local religions.