
We all need moments of reflection in our lives, brief interludes that help us to reflect on our lives.

How can we more closely align our lives and our acts with the Five Keystones?

These moments of respite remind us of our faith, review what we have accomplished and refocus our efforts into the future.

Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

58 - Striving for Equity

This month we will turn our attention to the Sixth Keystone of Paraclism: In all things strive for an equitable result imbued with integrity and empathy. This keystone is …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

57 - Embracing the Summer of Discovery

July, for most of us in the northern hemisphere, heralds the arrival of summer and all of the excitement we feel when the outdoors are calling. This is a season of warmth, light, and …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

55 - Nurturing Our Spiritual Community

My dear brothers and sisters, Today, let's touch on the profound importance of commitment and service within our spiritual community. As followers of Paraclism, we strive to lead ….

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

54 - Symbiosis of Faith and Reason

Often, we have ecclesiastical discussions which swing back and forth – from faith, to science, and back to faith. Today, let us reflect on the profound harmony between faith and reason, two ...

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

53 - Divine Calling

The skein of existence imbues every soul with a unique calling—a divine purpose that, when discovered and pursued, leads to a life of profound fulfillment and piety. There is something deep…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

52 - Hold Fast; Steadfast

In the tapestry of life, threads of individual autonomy weave a pattern of interconnected existence. This is true for all of us in our communities. This is true of us, here, today, in the …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

51 - Embrace New Beginnings

In the vast tapestry of our lives, there come moments when chapters transition and new beginnings emerge on the horizon. This is a classic take on the new year, and today, my dear friend…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

50 - The Mass of Friends

As we approach yet another season and another welcomed teration of The Mass, think back for a moment to the days of youth, when parental cautions against tattoos and dubious revelry …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

49 - Be There

Recently, I came across a heartfelt piece that shed light on an unexpected issue: the loneliness epidemic affecting Americans, and especially fathers. These men are surrounded …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

48 - asceticism

Recently I had occasion to catch up with a fellow member, and we stumbled upon the topic of asceticism. What ensued was a detailed dive into asceticism and its interface ….

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

47 - Pursuit of Eternity

As September arrives, it ushers in the well-known "back to school" season, a momentous occasion in our society. For children, it's a time of eager anticipation as they …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

46 - An Interlude on Pleasure and Calling

In the tapestry of our lives, woven with threads of experiences and memories, there is a common thread that binds the most cherished moments together - happy feelings and …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

45 - The Midway's Path to Growth

My Beloved Friends, Behold, The Midway is upon us yet another year. Let us take a more somber tone for this sacred holiday that beckons us to pause and …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

44 - How to Uphold Connection and Cohesion

Choosing honesty over deception is crucial for fostering trust and deepening connections in our relationships. We all know the importance of strong …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

43 - From Discipline to Divinity

Efficiency and self-sufficiency are important virtues that can contribute to spiritual growth and bring us closer to the Paraclete. This is The Way, and the…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

42 - Big Compassion & Big Connection

As we all know, one of the reasons that April 1 is to be avoided at all costs, is the social tax it foists upon society and all of our brothers and sisters. The Third ….

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

41 - Fallibility and Fostering Forgiveness

This month, we jump back to the Second Keystone! Remember that you are fallible like everyone else; be ready to admit and forgive wrongdoing. This keystone re…

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

40 - The Pursuit of Keystones

Let’s look at the Fifth Keystone - Seek and follow your calling in life. Seems like a fairly self-explanatory notion, but a lot of complexity is buried in those seven words. …

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Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient Temple of The Efficient and Self-Sufficient

39 - Happy Memories

The start of a new year puts most people in a contemplative mood, taking the rare opportunity to zoom out and consider their lives and….

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