50 - The Mass of Friends

As we approach yet another season and another welcomed teration of The Mass, think back for a moment to the days of youth, when parental cautions against tattoos and dubious revelry may have still echoed in your memory. A recent revelation extends the influence of companionship beyond those formative years, weaving into the tapestry of our elder days.

A contemporary study, delving into the lives of over-50-year-olds, unfurls a tale of camaraderie's impact on our well-being. The intricate analysis, spanning various health and psychological outcomes, reveals a profound connection between the quality of friendships and various facets of health. This is why we focus on the building of community and its importance in our daily lives.

Friendships, those chosen relationships that often herald our initial forays into social bonds, emerge as potent forces shaping our lives. The science underscores a rather intuitive truth – those with high-quality friendships not only lead richer lives but, remarkably, also enjoy a longer sojourn on this mortal coil. The figures tell the tale:

Over an eight-year period, participants with steadfast friends demonstrated a remarkable 24% lower likelihood of departing this world.

The rewards of genuine companionship extend beyond mere longevity. A cascade of positive health behaviors dances in the wake of steadfast friendships – a 9% uptick in exercise, a 17% reduction in the risk of depression, and a 19% lower likelihood of suffering a stroke, to name a few.

For those pondering the quality of their friendships, the markers of excellence lie in three metrics: the number of friends, the frequency of interactions, and the pervasive sense of support and joy in the company of friends.

In an era where the perils of loneliness cast a growing shadow, with one in four older individuals worldwide grappling with social isolation, the need for human connection emerges as a salient truth. We are beings wired for emotional satisfaction, a sense of belonging, and the reinforcement of self-worth, bound together by shared interests.

Unlike familial ties or workplace connections, friendships are a realm where choice reigns supreme. Picture the anticipation of a grand family gathering, laden with stress, juxtaposed with the serene laughter shared among cherished friends at a birthday celebration or over coffee with a childhood confidant. The latter ought be our aim when celebrating The Mass.

Yet, reminiscent of the warnings echoing from adolescence, the influence of friendship's peer pressure endures into the later chapters of life. Even in their seasoned years, those with robust friendships were more prone to indulge in smoking and heavy drinking, albeit in moderation.

However, the paradox emerges as these same individuals, despite such health-deteriorating habits, not only outlived their counterparts but also exuded a greater sense of happiness. The complexity of human connections, as unveiled by this study, mirrors the intricate dance of influence that friendships wield over our health, weaving a rich tapestry of interconnected well-being.

This comprehensive exploration of friendships serves as a testament to their centrality in the symphony of well-being. Generalizing these findings to society at large, one cannot overlook the nuances of individual behaviors – areas demanding finer brushes of inquiry.

As we navigate the granular details of friendship, particularly in forging and nurturing these bonds, a historical under-appreciation comes to light. Society, both in literature and science, has often fixated on romantic entanglements, overlooking the profound impact of friendships.

The nature of friendships, a potent public health opportunity, deserves a spotlight. The ability to cultivate new friendships, invest in existing ones, and witness an enhancement across diverse facets of life presents itself as a remedy too often overlooked.

So, in this season of gatherings, let not The Mass and it’s feasts be forsaken. Raise a toast not only to companionship but to the robust health woven by the threads of genuine friendship.


51 - Embrace New Beginnings


49 - Be There