03 - The Third Keystone
Uphold the rights and autonomy of others as you would your own.
The Third Keystone – handed down to us by the Paraclete, speaks to the need to elevate ourselves by protecting and guarding one another.
This edict speaks not only to bodily autonomy, but all rights a person may have. Human rights, property rights, the right to choose and the right to live a particular way. The reciprocity is key, and infringing on the rights of another is something undesirable in most cases, and something that ought be protected against.
Some people may say that it’s in our nature to help and protect others. There has even been a “random act of kindness” sentiment out there for a long time. But, in truth most people only help others when they are closely related, or it may be convenient, or they might get something in return. But the Paraclete does not instruct us to do acts of kindness when you’re feeling good. She directs us to love others at all times. She even says love your enemies as well as those that persecute you. If you are kind only to your friends, you are failing to stand up and stand above the fray. Everybody looks out for their friends, but caring for everyone at all times is a much tougher task to accomplish. It’s imperative to allow the Paraclete to help you.
It comes down to what the Third Keystone teaches us: do unto others as you would like done to you. In other words, treat all like you want to be treated, and more than that treat all as the Paraclete has treated you. If you want to be treated nicely, treat others nicely; treat them nicely because of the grace and gifts you have been provided. So that regardless of how you feel in any given situation, you can offer grace like the grace the Paraclete extends to you daily. You are probably thinking that sometimes you are nice (even very nice) and in return you get might contempt from some people. Unfortunately, this can and will happen. People don’t always treat you they way they want to be treated or the way you want to be treated. But that does not mean that you should stop doing the right thing. Do not let them pull you into their web of uncaring. Two wrongs rarely make a right, and it can pay to stay above the fray.
The Third Keystone does not only apply to your friends, neighbours and others in your community - it also applies to the future generations that are yet to come. It can be difficult to consider them given they do not yet have a voice to add to the conversation. But it is precisely why they should be considered, and their rights protected; the right to fresh air, the right to opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. These should be considered, especially when someone cannot speak for themselves. Nevertheless, this should not be considered at the expense of the rights of another’s bodily autonomy. Both must be considered.
To encroach on the rights of another, or allow someone else to do so - is to allow your own rights to be trenched upon. Even for those you do not hold in the highest esteem, you ought to uphold this Keystone. Put another way, protecting their rights improves your station in life, and protects your own rights, and those who you care about. Think of them when you act - but do act.