10 - Pillar

The first month after the Midway, and the world keeps on turning in strange and unrecognizable directions. The protests over police brutality are still raging in the US and around the world. The coronavirus pandemic has not halted its advance, and has claimed the Olympics as another victim, as those have been postponed for a year. Unemployment is still rampant and people are having difficulty just putting food on the table.

In times like these, when things seem dark and there is no obvious answer as to what to do, the best thing to do is be a pillar of strength for yourself and for those around you. Show them that faith and efficiency can carry the day even in the darkest of nights.

Look to the Keystones, especially the Third Keystone, and uphold the rights and autonomy of others as you would your own. This is a call to all believers and followers of the Temple to do what they can to support the BLM protests in their own cities. Inalienable rights are integral to our existance as people, and they must be vigorously defended. Not vigorously enough to incite violence or cause needless damage, but voices must be heard to make a point.

Looking more broadly, the Fourth Keystone tells us to endeavor to learn new things and be educated by others. This is a perfect opportunity to take advantage of, particularly amidst the protests. Many of those protesting will be of different beliefs, different backgrounds and different life circumstances. Engage them and hear their viewpoints. It is unlikely that there will be perfect agreement among you, as there isn’t between any two people. But this may give you a chance to hear their voice and walk a mile in their shoes. This sort of education is invaluable and opens your mind to things not previously considered, and should be cherished and sought out. Do not miss the chance.

Focusing on the negative seems the natural thing to do, particularly when the news are full of bad news and dark tidings. But you must not let this control you - the Paraclete has given you gifts and put you in this world for a reason; not to be a harbinger or echo of doom and gloom. You must remember the Fifth Keystone, and seek and follow your calling in life. Do not look to the dark during these times, but look inward, find things you love and that motivate you. Direct your energy into those things, improve yourself and help improve others. That sort of autonomous uplifting and betterment of your community is the only solution to the world’s woes, and the only real way out of this. Be the pillar you need in the world.


11 - Construction


09 - The Midway