34 - Still No. 1
Last month we checked in with a Midway update and some suggestions on how we can celebrate the occasion. We also touched on our lodestar, the First Keystone - the cairn reminding each of us to Strive to be efficient, competent and autonomous. This is the *First* Keystone for a good reason. It informs our hopes and dreams for ourselves, and our plans for our society.
It is far too often that things that are broken reveal themselves in our daily lives. Whether inefficiency at work, in our community or surroundings, or simply things which we see that *could BE better*. Simpler, more effective, less difficult, easier to use, less costly, there are myriad ways for something to be better, to not be broken.
Though the Paraclete does not permit us to control those around us, we are still empowered to govern ourselves, to control our actions and thereby affect our outcomes. By increasing our own efficiency, we trim the excess which may be dragging us down or holding us back. We show others that self-improvement and savings are in our own grasp and in turn, entirely in their own grasp. Without words we encourage them to follow suit.
The same effect is attained through competence and autonomy. If we are able to undertake a task or actions on our own, the amount of moving parts in a machine is reduced and the chance of failure decreases. If this is further culled to only you being a necessary component, then the Way is made clear and the friction reduced. In reducing friction, we edge ever closer to success. Though we can never achieve perfection, striving for it is our call.
Now, as lofty as an undertaking this work is, we must guard against the risk of severing ourselves from others or worse – isolating ourselves from our communities. Everyday things like visting a locally owned shop, bodega or bookstore.
One additional step, which always sounds a bit scary at first – connect with people in your life with whom you have not spoken to in a while. Go through your contacts and find some folks who you have fond memories with and drop them a line. Even a brief “something made me think of you and the fun memories we shared, hope you are doing great” will make their day, and guaranteed to improve yours as well.
This is actually a helpful step to keep you grounded while pursuing your other goals. Also, a step that can be improved via technology. Consider setting a reminder, perhaps every weekend or every two, have your phone remind you to drop someone a line. Gives you a great chance to go through your contacts, clean that up, and stumble upon old friends and memories. Doing this in concert will improve your life and improve your faith and its quotidian application.