25 - When a Mistake Makes a Man
There is an old saying, I believe not originating in the English tongue, so I will do my best to paraphrase:
It's one thing when a man makes a mistake accidentally, and can fix it
It is perhaps another when a man consciously makes a mistake, and is made to answer for it
It is entirely different when a mistake makes a man
Gendered language aside, this harkens back to one of our foundational teachings, the Fifth Keystone - Seek and follow your calling in life.
To distill the lesson: we all make mistakes, what you do next is key.
I know many people (and I have certainly in the past fallen into this category) who dwell on their mistakes. You will most certainly make mistakes in your life. The key is to learn from your mistakes and move on. The Second Keystone - Remember that you are fallible like everyone else; be ready to admit and forgive wrongdoing, instructs us as to the first part, the learning. The Fifth Keystone guides the latter, the moving on.
Don’t continue to sit there and dwell on a failure - a failure is only complete when you stop attempting to reach the summit. Do not think that you’ve missed opportunities to change your life, each minute and each hour of every day is an opportunity for you to turn things around. Do not fear failure, fear is what stops most people from reaching their true potential and keeps people away from achieving marvelous things. This is why many have called fear the "mind-killer". In so doing, their mantra reminds us to face this fear, and in doing so, overcome it, and REMAIN, successful.
Dwelling on mistakes, failing to move past them, this is the true danger in life. If we allow them this control over us, we are then defined - and in effect MADE - by these mistakes. This, we must avoid. The cost is too high, our very lives being at stake.
We all know people who are always looking back and thinking of "what may have been" had they not quit and given up on their dreams and goals. The world is overloaded with such souls. Strive to be better. Never be afraid of taking the next step. If you keep stumbling, pick yourself up and try again. Aaliyah knew what she was talking about.
Also remember that it is the DOERS who make mistakes. So be a doer. If you are not making mistakes, you are not doing anything. Don’t let your mistakes bring you down or make you feel ashamed. Shame is a negative feeling that will always work against you and tempt you to give in. Quitting always seems to look like the easy way out. Fear creeps in and drops poison to your inner ear: ‘Why am I even doing this?’ // ‘What is even the point?’ // ‘Why am i even trying? Others can do it better.’ // ‘I’m not good enough.’
Those voices of fear and shame are eager to point out our mistakes, and in doing so keep us from becoming great and doing great things. Life is a gift and it is painfully short. Don’t let your mistakes and failures add to the pile of stresses you'll be faced with in life. Choose to move on and be determined. Choose to keep going and never quit. Choose to be happy and choose to feel good. Choose to seek and follow your calling in life!